Heinrich Malek is the father of German professional tennis coach and former tennis player whose net worth is unknown as of now.
Who is Heinrich Malek?
According to our research, Heinrich Malek is the father of German professional tennis player Tatjana Maria. He played professional handball for the Poland national team. Not more is available in regards to the father of the German professional tennis player.
How many houses and cars does Heinrich Malek have?
To records are available in regards to the houses and properties owned by Heinrich Malek. He has also not spoken any cars he has.
How much does Heinrich Malek annually?
Heinrich Malek’s annual earnings is unknown as his source of wealth is unavailable.
How many businesses does Heinrich Malek own?
Heinrich Malek does not own any businesses to his name.
What brands does Heinrich Malek have?
No records are available in this regards.
How many Investments does Heinrich Malek have?
Not much is accessible as to such investments Heinrich Malek’s has. To be updated as soon as possible.
How many Endorsement deals has Heinrich Malek?
Heinrich Malek does not have any endorsement deals as of now. It is unknown if he had any such deals when he was playing as a professional handball player.
How many charities has Heinrich Malek donated to?
No data is accessible is regards to the charities Heinrich Malek has made donations to at this moment. To be updated as soon as possible.
How many Philanthropy works has Heinrich Malek supported?
Unknown if Heinrich Malek has been involved with a number of charitable organizations.